
Thanks for stopping by. My name is Jacqueline Rohde. Have a look around my website and get to know me. If you want to drop me a line you can always write in the guestbook.

     My name is Jacqueline Sue (Bucholz) Rohde; my husband is Bradley William Rohde.  We have been researching the genealogy of our families for over 20 some years now.  We decided to put our findings here on the internet so our relatives can have easy access to what we have found.


     We have traveled to many states and gone through the archives of township halls, churches, county courthouses, libraries, the internet and Historical Societies.  Records were found in vaults, storage rooms, file cabinets, books and cardboard boxes .


     Interviews with family members were always interesting and a source for the pictures included in this site.  We even found information in old family Bibles.


     I even researched and found documention that I am related to at least four of the Pilgrims and belong to the Mayflower Society.


     Our thanks to all those who have assisted in the collection of this family data.  It is truly a daunting task to verify all of these relationships with official documentation.


     Please feel free to contact us with any additional information, pictures or questions you may have.  If you copy any of my material, please reference me as your source.


     We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor.


                                                                  Jackie and Brad