JOHN WILLIAM BUCHHOLZ (name changed after moving to the United States in 1869)---in Germany his name was MARTIN JOHANN WILHELM BOOKHOLTZ/BOOKHOLD/BOCKHOLD/BUCHHOLZ
Record 1. This is a death record of (Martin) John William Buchholz's father, Martin Jochim Heinrich Buchholz who died on the 19 January 1864, he was a daylaborer of Danneborth, Germany and he was in born Gerdshagen, Germany (left column states his name). He was 66 years 4 months and 4 days old and died of pneumonia (center colums) Martin Jochim Henrich Buchholz's father was Franz Christian Buchholz, a daylaborer of Gerdshagen, Germany - His mother was Anna Maria Sophia, nee Heuckendorf (right colum states parents name). Two spellings are mentioned in this record - Buchholz/Buchhold - Danneborth, Germany and Gerdshagen, Germany are a few miles apart.
Researched by Susan Keferl, Great-Great-Granddaughter of Mary Buchholz Trost. Also found on
JOHN WILLIAM BUCHHOLZ--Martin Johann Wilhelm Bookholtz/Bookhold/Bockhold (Martin Jochim Heinrich Buchholtz, Franz Christian Buchholtz) was born 3 April 1830 in Danneborth, Ritteramt Bukow, Mecklenburg, Schwerin, Germany, the son of Martin Joachim Heinrich and Maria Magdalena Westendorf Bookhold (Buchholz). He was baptized in the Lutheran Church Parish of Sippenkanzlei at Alt Karin, Ritteramt Bukow, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany on 4 April 1830. Martin Johann Wilhelm's sponsors were Mar. Schumacher of Danneborth, Joh. Schroder and Wilh. Farn. He died 13 May 1906 in Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio and buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio.
I found another church baptism of Martin John William Buchholz's brother, Johann Heninrich Christoper Bookhold, son of Martin and Maria Magdalena Westendorf Bookhold of Danneborth, Germany who was born December 5, 1828 and baptized on December 7, 1828 in Alt Karin, Germany but died on June 30 and was buried on 3 July 1929 in Danneborth, Germany. He was six months old.
Record 2. This is a copy of (Martin) John Willliam Buchholz's daughter, Wilhelmine Christine Johanna Bookhold (Buchholz) german baptismal record (right column shows her name), it states she was born 24 August (1868) and was baptized on the 3 September (1868), Her father is Martin Johann Wilhelm Bookhold (left column shows his name)and he was a daylaborer of Danneborth, Germany. Her mother is Ernestine Maria Christine born Ohde (center shows her name) Interesting Buchholz/Buchholtz shows as Bookhold. The Lutheran Church was in Alt Carin (Alt Karin) Ritteramt Bukow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany. Danneborth and Alt Karin is within a couple of miles from each other in Germany.
Researched by Susan Keferl a Great-Great-Granddaughter of Mary Buchholz Trost.
The photo is of John William Buchholz with his wife, Mary Oda Buchholz at their Ohio home. The two children, Edward and Mary Buchholz/Bucholz, are children of their son, Charles Buchholz/Bucholz. Also, during the 1900 U.S. Presidential Elections it was very popular to put the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate that the family chose to vote for in the front window of the family home. On display in the Buchholz home window is a photo of the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate William Jennings Bryan and the Vice President Candidate Adlai E. Stevenson. photo identified and owned by Helen (Buchholz) Smith.

John married (Ernestina Marie Christina Oda "Mary", daughter of Frederick and Sophia Catharina Dorothea Lembcke Oda/Ode/Ohde. Mary was born 1 April 1829 and baptized 5 April 1829 in Rederank, Ritterank Bukow, Mecklenburg, Germany. She died 2 January 1908 in Newberry West Township, Miami County, Ohio and was buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio. Mary died at the age of 78 years, nine months and 23 days old. Rev. W.H. Brown preceded over Mary's funeral services and chose the Bible Scripture Psalms 90: verses 10-12.
John and Mary had the following children:
1. Maria Sophie Friederike Buchholz was born 7 February 1853 and died 30 December 1940.
2. Johann Christian Joachim (Joseph) Buchholtz was born 20 May 1855 and died 13 June 1940.
3. Friedrich Carl Christopher Ernst Bucholz was born in 1858 and died January 22, 1864 in Ritteramt Bukow, Meckllenburg. Germany. The parish was Sippenkanzlei in Alt Karin, Germany.
4. Wilhelm Johann Jochim Buchholz was born in 1860 and died 23 December 1863 in Ritteramt Bukow, Germany
5. Heinrich Carl Theodore Johann Buchholz was born 17 October 1864 and died 16 June 1943.
6. Carl Friedrich Theodore Johann Bucholz was born 21 August 1866 and died 4 April 1949.
7. Wilhelmine Christine Johanna Buchholtz was born 24 August 1868 and died 19 June 1945,
8. Joseph Daniel M. Buchholz was born 1 April 1871 and died 24 June 1933.
Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio
The remains of John Buchholtz of Darke County were brought here on Saturday of last week for interment. The subject of this short sketch was born in Germany, April 3, 1830. In 1864 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Oda. They came to America and located on a farm in Montgomery County in 1869 at which place they resided until 1879. They then moved to Darke County where they continued to reside until the date of his death which occured on May 17, 1906 at the age of 76 years, one month and ten days. Mr. Buchholtz was blessed by having religious parents and was baptised when a child and at the tender age of fourteen years was confirmed and made a full member of the Evangelical Brethren Church. Fore more than thirty years he has been a faithful, modest and yet loyal member of that church.
He was unassuming and yet always firm in his convictions of right which no doubt led the minister who preached his funeral sermon to take for his text the words: "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Rev. Mittler in his discourse made a strong showing of what a good christian fight means and what an ardent task it is to finish a course as it should be finished and to keep the faith as no one other than a christian can keep it. Our subject was personally known by Rev. Mittler as a plain and faithful christian gentlemen.
A large audience of sympathizing friends and neighbors gathered at the Chrisitan church at 11 o'clock Saturday to sympathize with the grief stricken family. The music for the occassion was furnished by J. L. Rector, and five lady members of the Christian church choir. The cause of death was asthma and dropsy. A faithful and loving wife, six children, thirty eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren besides many other more distant relatives and a great host of friends are left to mourn his being called away.
We noticed that about all the surrounding towns were represented at the funeral, Covington, Ohio; Bradford, Ohio; West Milton, Ohio; Tippecanoe City, Ohio; New Viena, Ohio; Ludlow, Ohio and Troy, Ohio; we may say that the great number in attendance at the funeral in the best of evidence that Uncle John was held in very high estimation by all his acquaintances. Interment was made at Pleasant Hill Cemetery by funeral director R.R. Whitmer. Rev. Mittler, who conducted the funeral, was formerly the pastor at Covington, Ohio but is now at Anna, Ohio.
***Before 1866***In Lutheran Church records of Alt Carin (Alt Karin) Ritteramt Bukow, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany the Buchholz name is spelled many different ways - they are as follows: Buchholtz, Bookhold, Boockhold, Bookholtz, Boockholtz. In the Lutheran Church records of Rederank, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany the Ode name is spelled Ode, Ohde, Ohda. German church records researched by Susan Keferl great-great-granddaughter of Mary Buchholz Trost.
***In 1867***The following is an explanation of the 1867 German Census and, also, where John and Mary Buchholz were living: The Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was the larger of the two Mecklenburg Grand Duchies, the other being Mecklenburg-Strelitz. On the night of December 2-3, 1867, a census of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was conducted. The Census recorded
in a "Household List" the names of each person present in the home at the time of enumeration. Household members who were not physically present were recorded in an addendum. Approximately half a million people were enumerated in this census. The following information was recorded about each person: First and last name, Gender,year of Birth, Religious Affiliation, Marital Status, Occupation or Social Standing, Citizenship, if a visitor, why in the area, and Distinguishing Physical Characteristics. -- Johann and Marie Buchholz lived at house number 15 in the district (village) of Danneborth, Ritteramt (R.A. - Knight District) Bukow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany. Johann Buchholz was born in 1830 and was a daylaborer and a Lutheran. Marie Buchholz was born in 1829 and also a Lutheran. Their children were: Carl born in 1866; Heinrich born in 1864; Johann born in 1855; and Marie born in 1853 and all four children were Lutheran.
- R. A. = Ritteramt (Knight district). Ritter means knight, a term of elevated free status, originally claimed for performance of military service to a sovereign; privileged "noble"rank. A "Rittergut" (estate of a knight) was formerly owned only by those of nobility. Later others who did not belong to families of nobility were permitted to acquire "Rittergueter."
***In 1869***EMIGRATION PAPERS - stated the following:Tagelohner Martin Johann Wilhelm Bockhold (Buchholz) of Danneborth, Ritteramt (R.A. - Knight District) Bukow, in Grand Duke, A wife, and 5 Kindern (children) a. Marie Sophie Friederike, geboren 1853; b. Johann Christian Joachim, geboren 1855; c. Heinrich Carl Theodore Johann geboren 1864; Carl Friedrick Theodore Johann geboren 1866; e. Wilhelmine Christine Johann geboren 1868. Emigration papers owned by Virginia Brown, Great Granddaughter of Wilhelmine Buchholtz Niesley.
Also in 1869*** The family of John and Mary Buchholz departed Hamburg, Germany for New York on 31 October 1869 and they traveled on the shipped named the Doctor Barth which was a Segelschiff type of ship. The Captain's name was Bockwoldt. Their residence was Danneborth, Mecklenburg, Germany. They arrived at Castle Island, located on the tip of Lower Manhattan in New York City, the end of December of 1869. Traveling with the family was Mary's father, Frederick Oda.
***1870-1873***After arriving in Casle Gardens they moved on to Harrisburg, Ohio - today it is Englewood, Ohio (12 miles north of Dayton) and stayed with Marie Oda Buchholz's brother, John Oda and his family for six weeks, before moving on and settling in Dry Branch, Ohio for three years.
According to Joseph Buchholz's daughter Helen Buchholz Smith, John and Mary Oda Buchholz lived in the following places after Dry Branch, Ohio:
1873-1875 Stillwater Ohio (todays Covington, Miami County, Ohio);
1875-1880 Red River, Ohio (Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio);
1880-1885 Circle Hill, Ohio (Newton Township, Miami County, Ohio);
1885-1888 Ludlow Falls, Ohio (Union Township, Miami County, Ohio); and
1888-1906 Hogpath Road, Arcanum, Ohio (Twin Township, Darke County, Ohio).
***In 1877***The following is John William Buchholz's first and last papers of naturalization. The year is 1877 he is 47 years old. The naturalization papers state the following: The State of Ohio, Dark County - Is hereby certified that on this day John Buchholz a native of Germany aged 47 personally came before the Judge of the Court of Probate of said County, being duly sworn upon his solemn oath declare that it it bona fide his interest to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever, all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State, or sovereignty whatever particularly to William Emperor of the Germanys - In testimoney whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at Greenville, Ohio, this 14th day of December A.D. eighteen hundred and seventy seven, J.A. John, Judge of Probate
***In 1879***UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - THE STATE OF OHIO, DARKE COUNTY, SS. - PROBATE COURT, December 20, 1879 be it remembered, that John Buchholz a native of Germany and now a resident of this Couinty has this day come into Court, and made application to be fully naturalized to become a citizen of the United States; and it appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that the said John Buchholz did on the 14th day of December A.D. 1879 declare his intention to become a citizen of the United States: And this Court being satisified on the oath of Urias Weaver and Henry Harker that the said John Buchholz was resided within the United States five years, that he is of good moral character, that he is attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same, and the said John Buchholz being admitted by this court took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America and that he now doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiances and fidelity to every Foreign Prince, Potentate, State of Sovereignty, and particulary to William Emperor of the Germans. This is therefore to certify, that said JOHN BUCHHOLZ, has complied with the laws of the United States in such case made and provided, and he is therefore admitted to be a citizen of the United States. IN TESTIMONEY WHERE OF, I hereunto affix my signature and Seal of said Court at Greenville this day.
***In 1880***1880 U.S. Census states the following: John, Mary, Henry, Charley, Minnie and Joseph Buchholz are living in Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio. Also, living with John and Mary is Frederick Oda, father-in-law to John Buchholz.
***In 1883***1883 Atlas/Directory of Miami County, Ohio states the following: John W. Buchholz (directory's spelling of Booholz) and family are living in Section 12, Pleasant Hill, Newton Township, Miami County, Ohio. John W. Buchholz is a farm renter and his children go to the School District 11. Also, John Buchholz Jr. and his family were listed under John W. Buchholz's name.
***in 1884***December 14, 1884 - ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH RECORDS OF COVINGTON, OHIO states the following: Communicants JOHN BUCHHOLZ SR. AND FRALINE JOHN BUCHHOLZ WITH HENRY BUCHHOLZ AND CHARLEY BUCHHOLZ participated in receiving holy communion. JOHN BUCHHOLZ JR. WITH FRALINE J. BUCHHOLZ were also listed. JOSEPH AND MINNIE BUCHHOLZ were listed on the same day, December 14, 1884, as two out of 23 future confirmation candidates of May 3, 1885. Also, JOACHIM TROST WITH FRALINE MARY TROST were mentioned on December 14, 1884 as church communicants.
***1888***THE DARKE COUNTY, OHIO DEED BOOK 100 PAGE 376 states the following: JOHN W. BUCHHOLZ bought 20 acres of land in Section 16 of Franklin Township from Charles Herbst on August 11, 1888. The farm was located on Hogpath Road, in Darke County, Ohio
***1906***DARKE COUNTY, OHIO PROBATE COURT**JOHN W. BUCHHOLZ'S WILL - Application for Probate May 26, 1906, In The Matter of The Last Will and Testament of John W. Bucholtz, Deceased. In the name of the Benevolent Father of All. I, John W. Buchholtz, of Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio, do make and publish this my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. Item 1 - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Buchholtz, in lieu of her the farm in which we now reside, situated in the County of Darke, in the state of Ohio, and in the Township of Franklin and described as follows: The West half of the South East quarter of the South West 1/4 of Section Sixteen (16) Township Eight (8) Range Four (4) East, containing Twenty (20) acres of land more or less during her natural life: all the stock, household good, furniture, provisions, and ?goods and chattles which may be thereon at the time of my decease, I give and bequeath to her absolutely: (she however selling so much thereof as may be sufficient to pay my debts) At the death of my said wife, the real-estate aforesaid, I give and devise to my six (6) children and their heirs, MARY TROST, JOHN BUCHOLTZ, HENRY BUCHOLTZ, CHARLES BUCHOLTZ, MINNIE NESLER AND JOSEPH BUCHOLTZ - share and share alike. In testimony hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 1st day of January 1906. JOHN W. (X Mark) BUCHOLTZ - Signed and acknowledged by asaid John W. Bucholtz, as his last will and testament, in our presence, and signed by us in his presence. David Kreider and Isaac H. Cool. Signed and acknowledged in my present this 1st day of January 1906 H. H. Bireley.
**The STATE OF OHIO, DARKE COUNTY, ss. In the probate Court of Darke County, O.JOHN NEISLEY being duly sworn says that JOHN WM. BUCHOLTZ late a resident of the Township of Franklin in said County, died testate, on or about the 17th day of May A.D. 1906; that the last will and testament of said decedent has been duly admitted to probate and record in Darke County Probate Court; that said decedent died leaving MARY BUCHOLTZ his widow, who P.O. Box is Arcanum, Ohio RFD#2 and the following persons his only next of kin: MARY TROST, Daughter, of Troy, Ohio RFD#3; JOHN BUCHHOLTZ, Son, Bradford, Ohio RFD#2; HENRY BUCHHOLZ, Son, Bradford, Ohio RFD#3; CHARLES BUCHHOLZ, Son, Greenville, Ohio RFD#1; MINNIE NIESLEY, daughter, Bradford, Ohio RFD#3; JOSEPH BUCHHOLZ, Son, Arcanum, Ohio RFD#2. That non of the above named are children of said decendent are under 15 age at the time of his decease. The undersigned asks to be appointed Administrates with Will annexed with the Will annexed, upon the estate of said decedent, and on his oath aforesaid says, the amount of personal property will be $250.00 And of real estate about subject to lifes estate $2,000.00.
***1908***THE STATE OF OHIO, DARKE COUNTY, JOHN BUCHHOLZ it al WARRANTY DEED to WATSON ROBBINS - Know All Men By These Presents, That MARY TROST, JOHN BUCHHOLTZ, HENRY BUCHHOLZ, CHARLEY BUCHHOLZ, MINNIE NIESLEY, AND JOSEPH BUCHHOLZ, heirs at law, JOHN W. BUCHHOLZ, OF MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO, In consideration of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS, Watson Robbins, do herby Grant, Bargain Sell and Convey to the sold WATSON ROBBINS with heirs and assigns forever, the following described Real Estate, situate in the Township of Franklin in the County of Darke and State of Ohio. The west half of the south east fourth (1/4) of the South West quarter of Section Sixteen (16) Township, eight (8) range four (4) east containing twenty (20) acres more or less. and all the Estate, Right, Title and Interest of the said Granter in and to said premises: To Have to Hold the Names, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to sold Grantee his heirs and assigns forever. And the said MARY TROST, JOHN BUCHHOLTZ, HENRY BUCHHOLZ, CHARLEY BUCHHOLZ, MINNIE NIESLEY AND JOSEPH BUCHHOLZ do hereby, Covenant and Warrant that the title so conveyed to Clear, Free and Unincumbered, and that they will Defend the same against all law claims of all persons whomever, Grantor to pay taxes payable June 1908. He shall also having fencing and Tobacco latch of farm. In Witness Whereof, the paid Grantor MARY TROST, JOHN BUCHHOLTZ, HENRY BUCHHOLZ, CHARLEY BUCHHOLZ, MINNIE NIESELY AND JOSEPH BUCHHOLZ which herfeby releases their right in the foresaid premises have hereunto set their hands this 17 day of March in the year A.D. nineteen hundred and eight: MARY TROST, JOHN BUCHHOLTZ, ANNIE BUCHHOLTZ, HENRY BUCHHOLZ, MARY BUCHHOLZ, CHARLES BUCHHOLZ, NETTIE BUCHHOLZ, MINNIE NIESLEY, JOHN NIESLEY, JOSEPH BUCHHOLZ, ESTHER BUCHHOLZ. Signed and Acknowledged in Presence of Us: M.H. NILL AND JOS. M. MYERS. STATE OF OHIO, MIAMI COUNTY, SS. On this 17 day of March A.D. 19 , before me a Notary Public in and for said County personally came MARY TROST, JOHN BUCHHOLTZ, ANNIE BUCHHOLTZ, HENRY BUCHHOLZ, MARY BUCHHOLZ, CHARLEY BUCHHOLZ, NETTIE BUCHHOLZ, MINNIE NIESLEY, JOHN NIESLEY, JOSEPH BUCHHOLZ, ESTHER BUCHHOLZ, in the forgoing deed, and acknowledge the signing there of to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness my official signature and seal on the day last aboove mentioned. Presented for Record on the 26 March 1908 at ? A.M. Record March 26, 1908 M.H. Nill, Notary Public.
The John William Buchholz Family information given by Don and Betty Hammond Smith, Susan Blackore Keferl, and researched by Jacqueline (Bucholz) Rohde; John William Buchholz Naturalizations Papers; St. John's Lutheran Church Records, Covington, Ohio; Probate Court Records of Miami County, Ohio; Probate Court Records of Darke County, Ohio; Garst Museum; and variety of census records.
This is a photo of John and Mary (Oda) Buchholz's home in Ohio. The photo was taken in 1926, eighteen years after Mary passed away. Her children sold the farm after she died but one might still imagine what the property looked like while they were alive. The house, barn and farm buildings were part of the families tobacco farm.
Photo taken by Helen Buchholz Smith.
SOURCES: Helen Buchholz Smith, Susan Keferl, Virginia Buckingham Brown, Don and Betty Smith. Tom Bucholz, Jacqueline Bucholz Rohde