JOSEPH RIGG was born around 1809/1810 and died 28 February 1884 Nelson Cemetery, Nelson, Butte County, California.


Joseph Rigg had the following children:


1.  Mary E. Rigg born in August 1839 in Kentucky.

2.  Elizabeth Rigg born in 1850 in Iowa.


Mary E. Rigg married Joseph Hedrick/Headrick.

The following information on Joseph Rigg was given to me by Eprhon and Mary Ann (Rigg) Stewart's great-great-great-granddaughter, Kim Brady:


Item 1.  The following are two letters written from Ephron Stewart (husband to Mary Ann Rigg) to his son, Alvin Stewart:

Letter dated March 16, 1872 - Ephron Stewart is writing to his son Alvin and Alvin's wife in Indiana.  He speaks of various things.  That which pertains to Joseph Rigg is "We have received a letter lately from your Uncle Joseph Rigg he lives in Oregon."

Item 2.  Notes from Kim Brady - Joseph Rigg is the brother of Mary Ann Rigg Stewart per letter that Mary Ann's husband Dr. E.P. Stewart wrote that Joseph Rigg was living in Polk Co., Oregon.  Address was Salt Creek, Polk County, Oregon.


The 1850, 1870, and 1880 United States Census.


1850 Census  Lee County, Iowa states:

Joseph Rigg                                               40              born 1810    Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Rigg                                           21               born 1829    North Carolina

Hariet Rigg probably daughter, Elizabeth        5 months    born 1850     Iowa


1870 Census  Polk County, Oregon - Dallas     

Joseph Riggs        60      born Pennsylvania   farmer

Mary E. Perham    30      born Kentucky

Elizabeth Riggs     20      born Iowa


1880 Census Butte County, California - Oregon

Joseph Hedrick                  43     born about 1837 Kentucky  farmer

Mary Hedrick wife              39     born about 1841 Kentucky

Joseph Rigg  father-in-law   70     born about 1810 Pennsylvania widowed carpenter

Elizabeth Rigg                    30     born about 1850 living with next family listed on census


Find A

Joseph Rigg

born:    Unknown

died:     28 February 1884

buried:  Butte County, California

Nelson Cemetery, Nelson, Butte County, California



The 1900's Federal Census states  Mary E. Headnick/Headrick is 60 years old and her birthdate was August 1839 and she was born in Kentucky.  Mary was living in Long Valley, Placer County, California with her husband, Joseph Headnick/Headrick.   Mary and Joseph were married 20 years.  Mary and Joseph were boarders to William B. Allen and his family.  The census, also states that, Mary was a mother of one child who was still living.  Mary's mother was born in Kentucky and her father was born in Ohio.  Joseph was born in Kentucky, his mother was born in Kentucky and his father was born in Tennessee.




The following is documentation that was found on Joseph Rigg when researching in Harrision County and Carroll County, Ohio by Jackie Rohde.
Item 1.  Common Pleas Records October Term A.D. 1829 - page 573
Record of Recognizances returned to the Court of Common Pleas of Harrison County Ohio at their October Term A.D. 1829 Mavis Albaugh Esq. One of the Justice of the peace within and for said Harrison County returned into Court certain Recognizances before him taken   ? Recognizances are in the words and figures following,  to with, “The State of Ohio Harrison County of (seal) Be it remembered that on the 17th day of September 1829  Joseph Rigg and George Rigg personally came before me one of the Justices of the peace for said County and severally acknowledge to owe the State of Ohio one hundred and fifty dollars each to be levied on their goods & chattels Lands & Tenements to the use of the said State if default be made of the conditions following viz.  The condition of this Recognizances is such that if the above bound Joseph Rigg shall personally appear at the next Court of Common Pleas to be holden in and for the County aforsaid, then and unto answer a charge of threatening to beat one Joseph Allen, and abide the Judgement of the court and not depart without leave otherwise to remain in full force and   ?   In law.                                                                                  

Attest..David Ringer

                                                                                      Joseph x Rigg (Seal)

                                                                                      George x Rigg (Seal)

                                                                                      Attest William Tingley clerk
Item 2.  October Term A.D. 1829
Recorded State of Ohio on complaint of Joseph Allen verses Joseph Rigg
Complaint for threats  - This day came as well Walter B. Beebe Esq. Attorney for state, as the said Joseph Rigg by M. Dewey his attorney - and the complaint being insufficient by consent of the prosecuting attorney the said Joseph Rigg is discharged from his recognizances.

Item 3.  Marriage Record Book C Harrison County 1828-1840
Joseph Rigg To Margaret Hoobler Marriage License issued August 5th A.D. 1830.

Item 4.  Poll Book on an Election held at Solomon Littles,  North Township, Harrison County, Ohio on the Twenty Eighth day of May in the year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One for the purpose of Electing Two Justices of the Peace.  There were 106 Voters - including Joseph Rigg, George  Rigg, Mahlon Stewart, and Robert Rigg.