Maria Sophie Friederike "Mary" Buchholz (Martin Johann Wilhelm Buchholz, Martin Jochim Heinrich Buchholtz, Franz Christian Buchholtz) was born 7 February 1853 in Bukow, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Germany. She died 30 December 1940 in Tipp City, Miami County, Ohio and was buried 1 January 1941 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio.
Mary married Joseph H. Trost on 14 October 1870 in Montgomery County, Ohio. Joseph was born 31 March 1841 in Miekenhagen, Mecklenburg, Germany. He died 19 February 1904 and was buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Miami County, Ohio.
Joseph was married twice. His first wife's name was Dora JennerJohn and they were married in Germany. They were married for five years and she died, leaving a son. Then, on October 25, 1871, Joseph married his second wife, Maria (Mary) Buchholz; they eventually had 9 children, 3 sons and 6 daughters.
Mary and Joseph had the following children:
1. Fred Trost-Stepson of Mary's ws born 15 July 1866 and died 21 May 1944.
2. Minnie Trost was born 30 July 1871.
3. Christopher Joseph Trost was born 24 June 1874 and died 12 February 1943.
4. Anna Belle Trost was born 12 March 1876 and died 7 November 1941.
5. Lizzie Trost was born 12 March 1876 and died 11 June 1944.
6. William Edwin/Edward Trost was born May 1881 and died 1951.
7. Clara Trost was born 1 September 1884 and died 1930.
8. Bertha Emma Trost was born 10 April 1888 and died 14 December 1949.
9. Marjorie Dorthea Trost was born 21 May 1891 and died 18 October 1933.
10. Glenn Lewis Trost was born 17 May 1894 in Newton Township, Miami County, Ohio. He died 21 April 1957 in Miami County, Ohio.
This is a copy of Mary Buchholz Trost's confirmation certificate that she received on 14 April 1867 from a Lutheran Church in Alt, Carin (now Alt Karin) Mecklenburg, Germany. Alt Karin, Danneborth, Rederank, and Miekenhagen, Germany were all within a 5 to 10 mile radius of each other in Bukow, Mecklenburg, Schwerin, Germany.
given by Susan Blackmore Keferl.
The Joseph and Mary (Buchholz) Trost Family Photo was taken by William Towsend of Covington, Ohio on June 18, 1903. The following is the family, left to right, front row - Mary Buchholz
Trost, Glen Trost and Joseph Trost, Sr., second row - Minnie Trost Holfinger, Bertha Trost Schuesslin, Marjorie Trost Zimmerman, Lizzie Trost Hildebran, third row - Anna Trost Krau, Fred
Trost(Joseph;s son by first marriage), William Trost, C.J. (Christopher) Trost, and Clara Trost Sleppy. Photo identified and information given by Mary Trost Snell, daughter of C.J. Trost on
February 21, 1993.
The photo was taken in 1916 of the Trost Family and their automobiles. The automobiles belong to left to right: Albert Scheusselin, Bert Kraus, Joe Hildebran and Samuel Holfinger. Mary Buchholz Trost is sitting in the Albert Scheusselin automobile in the back seat on the left hand side.
Photo from Susan Blackmore Keferl
The Trost Family Photo was taken in 1930. The following are: sitting: Mary Buchholz Trost; left to right: C.J. Trost, Bertha Trost Schuesselin, Margie Trost Zimmerman, Anna Trost Kraus, Lizzie Trost Hildebran, Fred Trost, William Trost, Clara Trost Sleppy and Glenn Trost.
Photo from Susan Blackmore Keferl
Extended Illness Fatal to Tipp city Resident - Funeral Thursday Afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Trost, 87 widow of Joseph Trost, died at 9 o'clock Monday morning in the home of her son, Fred Trost, South Fourt Street, Tipp City, Ohio, after an extended illness caused by infirmities.
Mary Bucholtz Trost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bucholtz (Mary Oda) was born February 7, 1853 in Mecklenburg, Germany, and came to American with her parents when a small child. She was the mother of 10 children. Her husband and two of the children predeceded her in death.
Survivors are the eight children, Fred and Joseph Trost of Tipp City, Ohio; William Trost of West Milton, Ohio; Glen Trost of Pleasant Hill, Ohio; Mrs. Samuel Holfinger of Covington, Ohio; Mrs. Albert Schuesselin of Piqua, Ohio; Mrs. Walter Hildebran of Pleasant Hill, Ohio; and Mrs. Albert Kraus, of Troy, Ohio; 18 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Charles Bucholtz of Jackson, Michigan; and Henry Bucholtz of Bradford, Ohio and one sister Mrs. Minnie Niesley. of Dayton, Ohio.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Fred Trost home by Rev. Russell Bussabarger, minister of the Lutheran Church in Covington, Ohio and Rev. Ross Highberger of Tipp City, Ohio. Burial will be made in the cemetery at Pleasant Hill.
obituary from Susan Blackmore Keferl Great-Great-Granddaughter to Mary Buchholz Trost.
Joseph Trost was born March 31, 1841 at Miekenhagen, Grand Duchy of Mecklenberg, Germany. In early childhood he was given to Lord by holy baptism at the age of 14,
after having received due instruction in the saving truth of God's word, he was confirmed in the Ev. Lutheran church. He remained a faithful member of said church all his life.
In the spring of 1864, he was married to Miss Dora Jennerjohn. Soon after their marriage they left their native country and came to the United States, settling in
Montgomery County, Ohio. After having lived together in a happy married relation for five years, Mr. Trost had to experience the severe loss of his dear wife by death, leaving him one son who
now survives his father. On October 25, 1870, he contracted a second marriage, uniting in wedlock with Miss Mary Buchholz, his surviving widow. To this happy union were born nine
children, three sons and six daughters, all of whom are living.
Since 1875 the deceased has lived in Miami County, Ohio first on a farm three miles west of Pleasant Hill and for the last three years on a piece of land three miles to the
southeast of that place.
In general Mr. Trost enjoyed good health of which good gift he made use by diligently following his vocation of farming and thus faithfully procuring a livelihood for his
family. By his death his wife looses a devoted husband, his children a dear father, his neighbor, a kind and obliging friend. He was a man of strong and noble character, always honest in
his dealings, ever truthful to his promises and ever ready to lend a helping hand. Although having been troubled with kidney ailment for some years, yet this malady only assumed an alarming
nature in the last six weeks of his life. In spite of all medical skill and aid and all tender care and nursing on the part of his wife and children and friends, his affliction grew worse and
he suffered at time great pain. But he bore it all with truly christian fortitude and resignation to the will of the Redeemer. Although he, during his sickness, expressed his wish to stay
a few years longer with his family and do for them, yet he with meekness submitted to his Master, praying: "Not mine, but Thy will be done!" And thus the Lord thought best to relieve his
suffering child from all earthly care and pain and let him enter his heavenly home.
He fell calmly asleep in Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, February 19, 1904, at the age of 62 years. 10 months and 18 days. He leaves to mourn his departure his wife,
four sons, six daughters, three grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters and a host of other relatives and friends. May God richly console them in their bereavement.
His funeral took place on Monday and was largely attended by morning and sympathizing friends. His paster, Rev. L. F. Mittler of Covington, Ohio, conducted the
services. After appropriate services at the house of mourning and at the Christian Church of Pleasant Hill, his body was laid to rest in the cemetery close to the above mentioned place.
Obituary given by Joseph Trost's Great-Great-Granddaughter, Susan Blackmore Keferl.
SOURCES: Susan Blackmore Keferl, Virginia Buckingham Brown, Mary Trost Snell