Wilhelmine Augustine Caroline Rohde was born 27 January 1851 in Coblintz/Kolentz, Germany and her parents were Wilhelm and Louise Ziehm/ Gigham Rohde (according to Wilhelmine's death certificate).
Wilhelmine married Gustav Carl Frederick Stenzel, son of Johann and Caroline Behm Stenzel. Gustav was born 11 November 1853 in Rothen, Klempenow, district (Kreis) Randow, Province of Pommern, Germany. After their german marriage, Gustave, Wilhelmine and their children lived in Wollschow, Kreis Prenslau, Province of Brandenburg, Germany moving to America in 1889.
GUSTAV AND WILHELMINE'S EMIGRATION PAPERS STATES THE FOLLOWING: (The family names are different from the records from St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hemlock, Michigan)
The undersigned Konigliche Regierengs - President - royal government president -herewith that until now Preunniche Prussian laborer of the Prussian state Carl Friederich Stenzel from Wollschow, circuit or district (kreis) Prenzlau, born on the 1st of November 1852 at Rothen Klempenow, district (kreis) Randow upon petition and purpose of iemigration to North America with his wife Wilhelmine Henriette Caroline Rohde born on the 27th of January 1851, and the following minors or children under the care and contro of the father.
1. Albert Gustave Carl born on the 15 of June 1972
2. Carl Albert Wilhelm born on the 31 August 1875
3. Wilhelm Carl Friederich born on the 6 February 1878
4. August Carl Friederich born on the 2 of August 1880
5. Bertha Auguste born on the 17 of September 1883
6. Herman August Wilhelm born on the 19 of January 1887
The permit for the emigration to leave from the Prussian State is hereby granted.
The permit to leave document is valid for specially named persons with the time limit of six months losing the Prussian citizenship. It is invalid after six months if they do not change the dwelling place.
In 1890, Gustav and his family were living in Macomb County, Michigan when Anna their daughter was born. In the St. Peter's Evangelical Church Records of Richland Township, Gustav was a communicant on 1 November 1891. Also, when Auguste, their youngest daughter was born, they were living in Richland Township, Saginaw County, Michigan.
On the 1896 Richland Township Platmap, Saginaw County, Michigan, it shows that Gustave and Wilhelmine own and operate a 50 acre farm on the corner of Dice and Steele roads in Richland Township. Just to the north of their property on Steel Road, their son Charles Stenzel owns his own 50 acre property.
They are listed in the 1900 Richland Township, Saginaw County census owning and operating their farm.
Wilhelmine and Gustav had the following children: (most family names from the confirmation records of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hemlock, Michigan)
1. Albert Stenzel was born 15 June 1872 in Germany and died 19 May 1947.
2. Charles Stenzel was born 31 August 1875 in Germany and died 24 November 1937.
3. Wilhelm Karl Stenzel "Bill" was born 6 February 1878 in Wollschow, Germany. He died 9 June 1962.
4. August Karl Friedrich Stenzel was born 2 August 1880 in Wollschow, Germany and died 1 April 1966.
5. Bertha Auguste Stenzel was born 17 September 1883 in Wollschow, Germany and died 27 March 1970.
6. Herman August Stenzel was born 19 January 1887 and died 6 December 1972.
7. Anna Bertha Augusta Stenzel was born 4 May 1890 in Mt. Clemens, Macomb County, Michigan and died 30 December 1976.
8. Auguste Bertha Anna Stenzel was born 27 April 1893 in Richland Township, Saginaw County, Michigan.
Gustave died on the 24 February 1909 and Wilhelmine died on 23 May 1936 in Richland Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. They are both buried in the Richland Township Lutheran Cemetery, Saginaw County, Michigan.
sources: Wilhelmine Rohde Stenzel's death record, St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, Zion Luthern Church Records, Gustav's, Michigan Census, find a grave
The following information was found in the history of Zion Lutheran Church - dated 17 February 1895: "THE FIRST 25 YEARS 1895-1920 THE COMMITTMENT Several of the people present declared that it is certainly time to found a new congregation, primarily because of their children who have so far to go to school and confirmation class. After the matter was discussed further the list of those that were willing to join the congregation was presented. The following were from the St. Peter Evangical Lutheran Church in Richland Township, Hemlock, Michigan. Heinrich Scharf, Albert Schultz, GUSTAV STENZEL, August Schultz, Franz Zastrow, August Tessin, Bernhardt Kade, Michael Blank, Herman Schultz and Peter Harms, New members also present was Rudolph Kade, William Dankwardt and Frederick Beyersdorf. Not present but declared a willingness to join the new congregation if organized was August Bohn, G. Bernbach, John Bluemer, W. Koeppen, Karl Kratz, W. Pommering and Jim Weiskirch."
Gustav and Wilhelmine's home is one mile to the west on Dice Road of Zion Lutheran Church.
An interesting fact is that Gustav Stenzel's sister, Emilie Stenzel Rohde was married to Karl Friederich Rohde. Gustav's wife, Wilhelmine Rohde Stenzel's brother was Karl Friederich Rohde. Another one of Gustav Stenzel's sisters was Auguste Stenzel Diener.
Wilhelmine Rohde Stenzel was born in Colbintz/Koblentz, Germany. Gustav was born in Rothen Klempenow, Germany. Gustav and Wilhelmine Rohde Stenzel lived in Wollschow, Germany - their children Wilhelm, August and Bertha were born in Wollschow, Germany. Karl and Emilie Stenzel Rohde's daughter, Wilhelmine, was born in Boock, Germany; their other children, Auguste and Gustav, were born in Gorkow, Germany. William and Augusta Stenzel Diener were from Boock, Germany.
The Roggows, Kraatz, and Koeppens were from Gorkow, Germany. The towns of Gorkow, Koblentz, and Boock, were in the Kreis (districts of Randow, Province Pommern, Duetschland, and is now in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (federal state), Uecker Randow (district) Germany. Just over the state line is the town of Wollschow, Province of Brandenburg, Duetschland and is now Brandenburg (federal state), Germany. These towns are located in the northeast corner of Germany near the border of Poland, just to the east.
map information researched and gathered by Brad and Jackie Rohde from St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Records
PICTURE SOURCES: WILLIAM AND ESTHER PRETZER ROHDE - researched by Brad and Jackie Rohde; family picture and emigration papers from Gertrude Stenzel Schomaker.