Evelyn Viola Bucholz (Carl Friedrich Theodore Johann Bucholz, (Martin) Johann Wilhelm Buchholz, Martin Jochim Heinrich Buchholtz, Franz Christian Buchholtz) was born on 12 December 1917 in Marion Springs Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. She died 31 December 2011 in East Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan and was buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan
Written by Elaine Dafoe, Evelyn's daughter
Evelyn was born on a cold December day, but she was a warm, positive person who could talk to anyone and enjoyed a good laugh. In her youth, music and dancing were important parts of her life. She married Joseph R. Watkins and was a loving wife and wonderful mother to Joe and Elaine. She cherished her family and was always involved, encouraging and being very supportive, even being a 4-H Leader when her children were young. Evelyn had always been a creative and artistic woman. For many years she took classes, including painting classes, at colleges near where she lived. She produced many original watercolor and oil paintings on canvas which she sold, loaned and donated; many friends and family enjoy them. Golfing was a big part of her life for many years, often she would seek out new golf courses to tame and she could hit a long ball as well as putt. Gardening was a passion. Her yard and flowers were just beautiful and she would spend hours at a time in her yard and flowers. Sewing was another talent. She was known to sew a wedding gown as well as clothing for her grandchildren. Also, there were afghans and decorative pillows among other creative endeavors. Her children remember when their parents gave dinner parties and fabulous food that was served. Evelyn even appeared on the Copper Kettle TV program on WJIM TV where she prepared a favorite Chicken recipe and won a large bouquet of flowers for first prize. Reading was always enjoyed and she was constantly open to learning new things. Evelyn was a real participant in life. She enjoyed not only being a part of her children's lives but also her grandchildren's and great-grandchildren's. She was supportive, loving and always encouraging.
Evelyn married Joseph Roy Watkins,. Joseph was born 1 August 1913 in Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan. He died 29 August 1982 in Ingham County, Michigan and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan.
Evelyn and Joe had the following children:
1. Joseph Watkins
2. Elaine Watkins
Evelyn's granddaughter - Sara Christine Dafoe, daughter of Elaine and Bob, was born on 14 September 1968 and died on 5 December 2017 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho at 49 years old. Sara was the loving mother of 6 children and the grandmother of 2. She was an active member of the nursing community. Sara is buried in the Desert Lawn Memorial Park, Kennewick, Benton County, Washington.
The photo is some of the Bucholz brothers and sisters at a family reunion:
front row - left to right: Little Evie Isham (Roy Bucholz's daughter) Dorothy Bucholz Mitas, Mildred Bucholz Griffith, Evelyn Bucholz Watkins, Leona Bucholz Mau, and Margie Bucholz Meyer/Wudel; back row - left to right: John Bucholz and Ike Bucholz.
SOURCES: Evelyn Watkins, Joe Watkins, Don and Betty Smith, and Helen Buchholz Smith.