Mildred Louise Bucholz (Carl Friedrich Theodore Johann Bucholz, (Martin) Johann Wilhelm Buchholz, Martin Jochim Heinrich Buchholtz, Franz Christian Buchholtz) was born 25 September 1921 in Brant, Saginaw County, Michigan. She died 15 February 1991 in St. Mary's Hospital, Grand Rapids, Michigan and was buried 19 February 1991 in Bridgeton Township Cemetery, Bridgeton, Newaygo County, Michigan.
Mildred married Raymond Griffith on 4 September 1937 in Dekalb, Indiana. Raymond was born 30 October 1917 in Wexford County, Michigan. He died 21 April 1988 in Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County, Michigan and was buried 23 April 1888, Bridgeton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan.
Millie and Ray had the following children:
1. Margie Joan Griffith was born 10 June, 1938 and died 16 October 2015 in Fremont, Newago County, Michigan.
2. Lynda Janet Griffith was born 15 November 1942 and died 3 June 2009.
3. Sharon Marie Griffith was born 23 August 1945 and died 24 January 1975.
4. Donna Griffith
5. Dianne Griffith
6. Charles John Griffith was born 19 May 1948 and died 4 March 2014.
I have wonderful memories of my Mom, we had a warm, wonderful, happy family. Mom and Dad taught us the work ethic of working hard and feeling good about what we had accomplished. I have been told that my Mom was a good girl baseball player. She could hit the ball and run as good as any boy on her team. Mom had beautiful thick curly hair, like my grandmother Nettie; it was the envy of myself and my sisters because we had our dad's thin hair. As my Mom got older, her hair was a beautiful salt and pepper color.
Every Sunday the relatives gathered at our house for a good meal and company. Mom's favorite meal to fix was real crispy chicken, mashed potatoes, homemade noodles and homemade pie or cake. Chuck still talks about how he loved her lemon pie. When we all lived at home, we spent many fun times at Sand Lake in Bridgeton Township, we always had a picnic and Mom made fried chicken and the best potato salad in the world. Saturday nights were spent having fun by playing family games and making popcorn and homemade peanut butter or chocolate candy. We would take a little piece of candy and stick popcorn all over it, it lasted longer that way. Donna could make hers last longer than anyone else and usually I would take some away from her because I usually ate mine up first.
Holidays and birthdays were always a happy time with beautiful homemade decorations and good food; Mom made everyone feel very special. We always strung and ate popcorn at the same time for our big Christmas Tree and we also put lots of icicles on the tree and it was beautiful. We always had a bingo party at Christmastime and we do it to this day. Millie loved flowers, especially zinnias and lilacs. She always had a bouquet of some kind of flowers in the house whether they were wild or tame flowers. In the spring, she always went out in the back of the house with Donna and they always picked a big bouquet of apple blossoms and pussy willows. Moms big claim to fame was her embroidering. It was so perfect it looked like it was done by a machine. Even, when her hands were crippled up with arthritis she still worked at embroidering. My Mom made each of us kids a beautiful state flower or state bird quilt.
One thing that all of us kids remember about our Mom was her beautiful white laundry. She used the old ringer washer, which was out in the back yard, and she did all of the laundry out there and always hung the clothes on the line. Dad always planted a large garden and Mom always canned the vegetables that came from it. We had to get big washtubs of hot water, we put them in the back yard, and then we would wash all the jars as they were stored outside during the winter and they were real dirty. Mom enjoyed looking at all the canned food and enjoyed the fact that the food would help us get through the winter months in pretty good shape. Mom liked our home very neat and clean. She taught all of us kids to have a clean house, wash clothes, embroider and cook such good foods as her german chocolate cake, potato and long john donuts.
Mom had a sixth sense (we called it). She could sense things right before it happened. For example she knew immediately when her mom died. When dad got his leg amputated, even though she was in the waiting room at that time, she started to cry. When Sharon died some of the happy light in Mom's eyes went out, she never got over loosing her daughter. Mom wishes she would have listened more to her Mother, Nettie, in regards to her astronomy of heavens, stars and constellation. Mom looked at the world as black or white - what was right was right and what was wrong was wrong - no in between. That's how we were raised. No Mom could be loved or missed more. Looking back on our childhood memories, we could have never asked for a more wonderful Mom or Dad and the older we get the more we realize it.
Margie Joan Griffith married Charles "Charlie" Henry Carson 5 April 1958 in Hesperia, Newaygo County, Charles was born on 5 February 1930. Charles and Margie owned and operated an 80 acre farm in Hesperia, Newago County, Michigan. Charlie and Margie raised animals, mainly horses, pigs and cows. Margie loved to grow all kinds of beautiful flowers, especially her roses. According to Margie's sister, Lynda, she had a green thumb and had lots of luck in whatever she grew..
Charlie died on 1 March 2014 and Margie died on 17 October 2015 in Fremont, Newago County, Michigan.

The photo is of Lynda and James Edward "Jim" Booker on their wedding day, with her parents, Millie and Chuck Griffith. Lynda and Jim were married on 10 December 1960. Jim was born 19 May 1941 in Salem County, Wisconsin.
Jim and Linda had three children:
1. Daniel Booker
2. Tamra Lynn Booker
3. Katherine Booker
Lynda and Jim were married right after she graduated from high school. Lynda loved all kinds of hobbies, she knitted, she enjoyed sewing and crocheting, but her main love was quilting. She made many different quilts. Lynda was a stay-at-home mom while the kids were in school. She loved to bake and cook and she contributed this to her mother, Millie. Her favorite thing to make were her pies and they were always received very favorably at family get-togethers. She always felt very lucky because she got to travel to many foreign counties, which she enjoyed very much.
Lynda died on 3 June 2009 in Newaygo County, Michigan. Jim died on 3 November 2014.