Myrtle Leora Bucholz (Carl Friedrich Theodore Johann Bucholz, (Martin) Johann Wilhelm Buchholz, Martin Jochim Heinrich Buchholtz, Franz Christian Buchholtz) was born 21 January 1906 in Greenville Township, Darke County, Ohio. She died 25 December 1986 in Owosso Memorial Hospital, Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan and was buried 27 December 1986 in Ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.
Myrtle married Chester Hammond, son of Frank and Lavina Fuller Hammond, 23 January 1921 in Ithaca, Gratiot County, Michigan. Chester was born 15 March 1899 in Hamilton Township, Gratiot County, Michigan. He died 26 May 1979 in Owosso Memorial Hospital, Shiawassee County, Michigan and was buried in Ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.

Myrtle and Chester had the following children:
1. Virgal Chester Hammond was born 3 August 1922 and died 13 June 1943.
2. Adeline Myrtle Hammond was born 4 February 1924 in Hamilton Township, Gratiot County, Michigan. She died 6 February 1924 in Hamilton Township, Gratiot County, Michigan and was buried 8 February 1924.
3. Opal Betty Hammond
4. Infant Hammond was born 7 April 1929 and died 7 April 1929 and was buried 8 April 1929.
5. Infant Hammond was born 2 August 1930 and died 2 August 1930 was buried in Ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.
6. Infant Hammond was born 29 July 1933 and died 29 July 1933 and was buried in Ford Cemetery, Elsie Gratiot County, Michigan.
7. LeRoy Hammond was born 22 May 1935 in Duplain Township, Clinton County, Michigan. He died 26 May 1935 and was buried in Ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.
8. Merl Walter Hammond
9. Linda H. Hammond was born 27 August 1941 in Elsie, Fairfield Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan. She died 27 August 1941 and was buried 28 August 1941 in Ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.
10. Infant Hammond was born 15 March 1947 in Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan. She died 15 March 1947 and was buried 18 March 1947 Ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.
11. Sandra Jane Hammond
The photo is of left to right: Myrtle Bucholz Hammond, Virgal Hammond, Betty Hammond - front row: Sandra Hammond.
Memories of my mother and her family, by Betty (Hammond) Smith: People liked my mother to bring her molasses cake for special occasions. It seemed to be a favorite. I asked my
mother in later years how she made it and she said she didn't have a recipe, she just mixed it up. She seldomed used recipes. My mother said, she made bread ever since she was 9 years
old. She had to stand on a stool to do it. Mom had to quit school after the 5th grade to help with the younger children. Mom always loved babies and children. What a crime but
I guess that was the fate of older sisters in those days. Mom said when she was 7 or 8 years old when grampa was off working at the logging camp. Grandma woke her up in the night and told
her to get her some scissors and cord (I suppose it was something grandma had ready) and then she was told to go back to bed. When she woke up the next morning, there was a new baby in the
house. Evidently Grandma had managed on her own. Imagine!!! The baby was her sister, Margie. I remember Uncle Ike was very friendly and really liked to play music. I
think he may have played the violin a little. He would come to our house and Mom would chord on our organ and he would play something but I've forgotten what it was. My mother could chord
on that old organ and it sounded like real music, very pretty. That was when we lived on Meridian Road and when we moved to a smaller house the organ was gone. Dad, probably sold
I think Carl and Earl played baseball every Sunday, they went all around the area and played. Sometimes they were close enough for my family to go watch them play. All the
Bucholz's loved to dance. There was a dance hall in Fenmore and I'm sure it saw a lot of the Bucholz's. Aunt Evelyn stayed with us at one time when I was small. I remember Margie
was always laughing and chewing gum. I believe she was the one that taught me to Charleston. She and Dorothy were great dancers. I don't remember much about Mildred except she had
pretty curly hair. Dorothy and John were nearer my age so we saw quite a bit of them. John was a good friend of my brother, Bud's.
I was born in 1926 and all of my memories are of the depression and we were very poor. That is all I remember about the Bucholz's except one time Ike and Cindy were at our house and we were
butchering a pig. This was after my family lived on Huff Rd, so I was grown and in my last year of high school. The last time I was at dinner at Grandma's house was Thanksgiving 1946 or
1947. I had come home from Flint where I was working and went to Grandmas with my folks. I was working a split shift at Michigan Bell at the time and had to be back at a certain
time. Dad was going to take me to the bus station in Owosso but John offered to drive me there. I think that was the last time I saw my grandparents as I went to California not long after
that. I was in California when Grampa died and I don't know the reason I wasn't at Grandma's funeral. I must have had a good reason.
The family photo is from left to right: Virgal Hammond, Myrtle Bucholz Hammond, Sandra Hammond and Chester holding Merle Hammond.
Chester Hammond was born on the Hammond Homestead, 8 miles north of Elsie, Michigan. Chester continued to farm all his life until his death as well as work in factories in Saginaw, Flint, and Lansing. Chester worked for Consumers Power Company in Owosso, Michigan in the Gas Facilities Construction Department until retirement 1964, after which he and his wife demolished their old farm home and built a new more modern home where they continued to live and farm.
Virgal Chester Hammond "Bud" was born 3 August 1922 in Elba Township, Gratiot County, Michigan. He died 13 June 1943 in Camp Campbell, Montgomery County, Tennessee and was buried 19 June 1943 in ford Cemetery, Elsie, Gratiot County, Michigan.
Virgal was born near Ashley, Michigan. He entered public school in Saginaw county at the age of 7, later the Mechon School and from there came to Elsie where he remained through the 9th
grade. Until his induction into the U.S. Army, he worked on his fathers farm. He spent a 10 day furlough with his parents in March 1943.
"The Owosso Argus Press, Thursday June 17, 1943, Page 1, Col.3: Soldier from Elsie drowned, Pvt. V. Hammond loses life near camp in Kentucky. Pvt. Virgal Hammond, son of Mr and Mrs.
Chester Hammond living northeast of here, lost his life by drowning near his camp in Kentucky, this week. According to a message received last night by the parents from the War
Department. The body had been identified by the Commanding Officer the message stated, but no other details were given. The body is to be sent to Elsie at the parents
direction. Pvt. Hammond entered the Army last October as a selectee. His death is the first Elsie community Casualty of World War II."
Opal "Betty" was born 24 June 1926 at her parents' home in Chapin Township, Saginaw County, Michigan. She graduated from Elsie High School with honors as her class Salutatorian. Betty continued her education by attending business school in Flint, Michigan. She married Donald James Smith on 3 July 1948 in Los Angeles, California.
Betty and her husband Donald were members of St. Joseph Catholic Church for over 5 years. Betty loved being part of her community by being involved in Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, the St. Joseph Catholic Church Choir and also preparing funeral dinners for the church. She loved playing cards with her friends and square dancing. Everyone who knew Betty knew what a multi-talented woman she was, being very accomplished at sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, furniture reupholstering and refinishing, gardening, decorating, cooking and preserving. Betty could do it all!
Betty was a telephone operator. She also worked at Bendix (Remonds) during WWII and helped the war effort by making carburetors for bombers. She later worked at Mid-West Abrasives. After years as a homemaker, she worked as a Kindergarten Aide at Bryant School, and a lunchroom and study hall aide at Owosso High School, Owosso, Michigan.
Don and Betty Hammond Smith on their wedding day.
Donald was born 3 March 1928 in Flint, Michigan, the son of Floyd Smith and Mary Leone (Philips) Weisner. He was a graduate of Owosso High School, Owosso, Michigan. Donald was a Merchant Marine Sailor during WWII in the Pacific and Mediterranean and served after the war in the Great Lakes Fleet. He was very proud of his service to his Country. Don retired from Consumers Energy after 33 years of service and enjoyed genealogy and belonged to many genealogy and historical societies.
Betty and Don had three children:
1. Donald J. Smith Jr.
2. Carol Anne Smith
3. Michael Smith
Don passed away on 17 February 2018 and Betty passed away on 19 May 2018 at The Meadows, Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan and are both buried in the St. Paul Cemetery, Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan.
SOURCES: Don and Betty Smith and Merle Hammond; Don and Opal "Betty" Hammond Smith's obituaries.