The photo is of sisters - Della Miller (left) and Ruth Miller (right)

Ruth Cornelia Miller was born 19 February 1897 in Lakefield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan.  She died 10 June 1987 iin Durand Convalescent Center, Shiawassee County, Michigan and was buried 13 June 1987 in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Lakefield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan.


Ruth married Ernest Henry Hall, son of Norton Hall and Effie Evans, on 29 July 1919 in Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Merrill, Michigan.  Ernest was born 13 December 1899 in Chapin Township, Saginaw County, Michigan and was christened 1919 in sascred Heart Church, Merrill, Michigan.  He died 12 February 1944 in Lakefield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan and was buried 15 February 1944 in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Lakefield Township, Saginaw County, Michigan.








Ruth and Ernest had the following children:

1.  Evangeline Hall

2.  Leola Hall

3.  Betty Marie Hall

The photo is of Ernest and Ruth (Miller) Hall's wedding photo.  sitting is Ernest and Ruth Hall.  standing is Leslie Miller and Della Miller.









Ruth lived in the Merrill-Hemlock area most of her life.  She attended Ferris Institute and was a graduate of Central Michigan College.  Ruth's first teaching position was by Burt, Michigan.  She, also, had been a teacher at the Shady Nook School, Marion Township School, Bullock Creek School, Midland and St. Charles Community Schools. Ruth married Ernest Hall and had three daughters, Evangeline, Leola and Betty Hall.  Ruth continued to teach school for many years.  She also retired from Albee Township School, Chesaning, Michigan on July 1, 1971. Ruth was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Hemlock, and also the Legion of Mary. Ruth died at the age of 90 years old.




The Ruth Miller family information and photo's from Betty Hall Sutliff and Leola Hall Pease.