Glen "Jim" married Persus Elfleeda Burwash, daughter of Stephen and Millie Garrison Burwash, on 10 June 1922 in Saginaw Christian Church by Rev. R.A. Thibos. Persus was born in Farewell, Michigan.
Jim and Persus had the following children:
1. Ralph Wayne Rigg was born 1 March 1925 and died 4 February 1946.
2. Evelyn Joyce Rigg was born 28 May 1927 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan. She married Louis D. "Louie" LaFrance II on 16 August 1956 in Angola, Indiana. Louie was born 23 September 1923 in Davis Townshipt, Genessee County, Michigan and died 1 November 2014 at the age of 91 years old. Evelyn died on 20 March 2015 at the age of 87 years old.
3. Barbara Jane Rigg.
The photo is of Glen "Jim" and Persus Rigg (couple on the left) and Millie and Ray Rigg (couple on the right).
Jim and Persus lived in Chesaning, Saginaw, and Merrill, Michigan. While living in Saginaw their next door neighbors were Ray and Millie Rigg and their family. They were cousins and lifelong family friends.
SOURCES: Evelyn Rigg LaFrance, Florence Hammond Rigg, Sharon Rigg Davis, Barbara Rigg Willman, Valaria Rigg, and Jackie Bucholz Rohde